About Us
What we do
ZAMORI offers a variety of consulting and engineering services to meet the needs of a diverse mix of customers in assisting with their facilities management; to help them improve profitability and manage their energy consumption and associated costs.
Company History
ZAMORI Engineering Services was founded in 2003 by a diverse group of South African Entrepreneurs and Engineers, who have a significant number of years of experience in the Engineering/Energy management industry.
We are a registered ESCO with SANEDI (ESCO-A154) and ESKOM (11047851) in terms of the Demand Site Management Initiative currently being promoted by the Department of Minerals and Energy, the National Energy regulator and Eskom.
Zamori is a corporate member of the South African Association of Energy Efficiency Confederation (SAEEC), Green Building Council (GBCSA), and the South African Facilities Management Association (SAFMA), Association of Municipal Electricity Utilities (AMEU), the South African Photovoltaic Industry Association (SAPVIA), the South African Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Contractors Association (SARACCA) and the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA).
Goal and Mission Statement
To provide strategic and technical value to our clients by promoting superior engineering solutions in the field of Energy Efficiency Management.
ZAMORI is committed to professionalism towards our clients; and by improving energy efficiency we not only save resources, but, also the environment, therefore improving the quality of life for all.
We are continuously improving our performance through constant customer liaison; innovative and cutting edge design; integrity and quality cost effective and viable service.
What is Facilities Management
Facilities Energy management is a relatively new and exciting field within the property industry.
Energy management is an integral function within facilities management. Energy resources available to consumers are limited and it is facilities managers’ responsibility to organizations and society to conserve energy consumption within buildings. Energy auditing, an aspect of energy management, has proven to be successful in energy cost savings (where the resulting projects are implemented).
The values that may be hidden in the current energy expenses, processes and production systems can be explored by ZAMORI. We work closely with facility operators, turning over every rock to look for meaningful opportunities.
Compensation for performing such services can be tailor made per client preference including, but, not limited as an arrangement, to share the resulting financial gains with the facility owner.
Over the years our management team has dedicated their efforts to be at the leading edge of technology. We have as our primary objective, the ability to provide the most professional, reliable and cost effective service available to you, our customers, ultimate confidence in our energy management capabilities, innovative concepts and cost effective results.
ZAMORI offers a variety of services at every phase of energy efficiency and conservation projects and has entrenched itself as a leader in the field of energy management in all aspects of the industry. We can provide each service independently or they can be –preferably-bundled together as a complete package.